Measuring with the Right Stick
How do we measure life?
"Life’s circumstances, rather good or bad, extreme or minor, or understood (or liked) by me or not, do NOT change WHO GOD IS, or limit His Love and Faithfulness!"
Obedience on the Hardest Days.
"Have you known such a hope, one that meets you on dark mornings and rolls away the covers like a stone? Have you learned to look for the kingdom under the light of the sky’s last star? And if not, can you follow Joseph’s footprints, and dare to obey even when hope seems dead?"
The Christian Tradition Is a Castle, Not a Cabin
"The reality is, we’re the ones living in a great castle, an intellectual tradition that goes all the way back to the Hebrew Scriptures, an inheritance that incorporates what’s best in the great Greek philosophers, a pattern of thought refined by the great medieval and modern theologians, a movement that has bequeathed the towering minds of Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas (and those are just the As)."
"Land of the Nomads of Yahweh." Were the Israelites actually present in Egypt in the 15th Century BC? This inscription undoubtedly lends strong evidence that the Biblical account of the Israelite people is historically accurate and true!
Former Hezbollah Fighter Now Ministry Leader Recalls Encounter with Jesus
Also read the article on CBN: